Monday, December 21, 2009

Tiramisu Cookies

Material A:
225 gr Margarine
175 gr Sugar refined
1 sm Rhum Tiramisu
1 btr Telur

Material B:
225 g Wheat Flour
Milk Powder 25 gr
50 g cheese
1 / 2 st Baking Powder

Ingredients C:
1 st Coffee Caramel

How to make:
Beat Material A + / - 2 minutes, then add ingredients B, mix well. For the dough into 2 / 3 of the color of plastic bags enter the split. 1 / 3 part of C given material, printing paste at will various models. Then roast with a small fire in the oven with a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.

Bahan A:
225 gr Margarine
175 gr Gula halus
1 sm Rhum Tiramisu
1 btr Telur

Bahan B:
225 gr Tepung Terigu
25 gr Susu Bubuk
50 gr Keju
1/2 st Baking Powder

Bahan C:
1 st Coffee Caramel

Cara membuat:
Kocok Bahan A +/- 2 menit, lalu masukkan bahan B, aduk rata. Bagi adonan menjadi 2/3 bagian warna masukkan kantung plastik split. 1/3 bagian diberi bahan C, cetak adonan sesuka aneka model. Lalu panggang dengan api kecil dalam oven dengan suhu 150 derajat celcius.
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