Monday, December 21, 2009

Resep Kue Putri Salju

Snow Cake Recipes

* Wheat flour 600 gr
* 300 g cashew nuts (roasted and ground finely)
* 200 gr sugar a bit soft sand / caster sugar
* 500 gr Margarine (frozen, then cut - cut)
* 300 gr sugar refined
* 1 / 2 tsp Vanilla

How to Make:

* Combine flour, cashew nuts, sugar and margarine together.
* Squeeze - Squeeze the dough by hand until well blended.
* Store in the refrigerator for 50 minutes.
* Take 2 teaspoons dough, rounded and the crescent shape like.
* Make up the dough out.
* Place on baking sheet that spread with butter and bake in the oven until done.
* Remove and chill for 5 minutes.
* Roll the mixture into the powdered sugar and vanilla.

Bahan :

* 600 gr Tepung terigu
* 300 gr Kacang mete (disangrai dan ditumbuk halus)
* 200 gr Gula pasir yang agak halus / gula kastor
* 500 gr Margarin (dibekukan, lalu potong - potong)
* 300 gr Gula halus
* 1/2 sdt Vanili

Cara Membuat :

* Campurkan tepung terigu, kacang mete, gula pasir dan margarin jadi satu.
* Remas - remas adonan dengan tangan hingga tercampur rata.
* Simpan dalam lemari pendingin selama 50 menit.
* Ambil 2 sdt adonan, bulatkan dan bentuk seperti bulan sabit.
* Buat hingga adonan habis.
* Letakkan diatas loyang yang telah diolesi mentega, panggang dalam oven hingga matang.
* Angkat dan dinginkan selama 5 menit.
* Gulingkan kedalam campuran gula halus dan vanili.
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