Monday, December 21, 2009

Sop Buntut

Soup Buntut


500 grams tails, diced, boiled in 1 liter water 100 grams of red beans, trimmed 3 cloves garlic, crushed 1 onion, cut into 2 slices ginger, crushed 2 carrots, 2 stalks of flowers scallions, chopped slices 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 large tomato, chopped 2 cloves salt and pepper to taste ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg 6 fruit beef sausage, cut into 2 cm, 50 grams of developing pea

How to Make:

Saute garlic, onions, and ginger until fragrant.

Pour the boiling stir tail. Earlier the stock measure first. Add water until all the stock amounted to 2 liters

Enter the carrots, scallions, celery, tomatoes, cloves, salt, pepper, and nutmeg powder.

After a half-cooked carrots, boiled red beans masukkkan, sausage. Toward appointed, enter peas. Allow a moment and lift.

Serves 6


500 gram buntut, dipotong kecil-kecil, direbus dalam 1 liter air 100 gram kacang merah, rebus 3 siung bawang putih, dihaluskan 1 bawang bombay, potong kotak 2 iris jahe, dimemarkan 2 buah wortel, bentuk kembang 2 tangkai daun bawang, dipotong-potong 2 tangkai seledri, dipotong-potong 1 buah tomat ukuran besar, dipotong-potong 2 butir cengkeh garam dan merica secukupnya ½ sendok teh bubuk biji pala 6 buah sosis sapi, potong 2 cm, bentuk kembang 50 gram kacang polong

Cara Membuat:

Tumis bawang putih, bawang bombay, dan jahe hingga harum.

Tuang tumisan dalam rebusan buntut. Sebelumnya ukur kaldu lebih dahulu. Tambahkan air hingga seluruh kaldu berjumlah 2 liter

Masukkan wortel, daun bawang, seledri, tomat, cengkeh, garam, merica, dan bubuk biji pala.

Setelah wortel setengah matang, masukkkan kacang merah rebus, sosis. Menjelang diangkat, masukkan kacang polong. Biarkan sesaat lalu angkat.

Untuk 6 porsi Sumber dari claudie_lum
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