Thursday, December 24, 2009

Resep Sambal bajak

* 10 pieces of red chili.
* 1 plum tomatoes, remove the middle, cut into small pieces.
* 2 teaspoons shrimp paste, toasted.
* 3 red onions.
* 2 cloves garlic.
* 1 cm galangal.
* 2 bay leaves.
* 1 stalk lemongrass, take the base, crushed.
* Java 2 tablespoons tamarind, dissolved in 3 tablespoons water, then knead the water grab.
* 2 tablespoons brown sugar.
* Salt to taste.
* Cooking oil for sauteing.

[edit] How to make

1. Roasted shrimp paste until fragrant, set aside.
2. Red chili, onion, and garlic, lemon grass, shrimp paste, bay leaves and galangal saute until tender.
3. Put all the ingredients in the mortar, and then mashed. Acid water is given in small increments.
4. Sambal plows suitable to accompany the fried chicken.
source: Wikibooks Indonesia


* 10 buah cabai merah.
* 1 buah tomat, buang bagian tengahnya, potong kecil-kecil.
* 2 sdt terasi, sangrai.
* 3 butir bawang merah.
* 2 siung bawang putih.
* 1 cm lengkuas.
* 2 lembar daun salam.
* 1 batang serai, ambil bagian pangkal, memarkan.
* 2 sdm asam jawa, larutkan dalam 3 sdm air, remas-remas lalu ambil airnya.
* 2 sdm gula merah.
* Garam secukupnya.
* Minyak goreng untuk menumis.

[sunting] Cara membuat

1. Terasi disangrai hingga harum, pisahkan.
2. Cabe merah, bawang merah, dan bawang putih, serai, terasi, daun salam dan lengkuas ditumis hingga layu.
3. Taruh semua bahan di cobek, lalu dihaluskan. Air asam diberikan sedikit-sedikit.
4. Sambal bajak cocok untuk menemani ayam goreng.
sumber:Wikibooks Indonesia
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