Thursday, December 24, 2009

Quail Eggs recipe Sate/Resep Sate Telur Puyuh

30 hard-boiled quail eggs, peeled, fried briefly
6 pcs skewers
2 tablespoons cooking oil
2 cloves garlic
5 pieces of red onion
6 pcs red chili
50 gr brown sugar
1 cm ginger
1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* Heat oil and saute the blended ingredients until fragrant. Enter the hard-boiled quail eggs, mix well.
* Cook until the spices soak into the egg.
* Take a skewer, poke 5 pcs spiced quail eggs. Do it until the eggs run out.

To stab 6

* Quail egg satay recipe

30 btr telur puyuh rebus, kupas, goreng sebentar
6 bh tusuk sate
2 sdm minyak goreng
2 siung bawang putih
5 buah bawang merah
6 bh cabai merah
50 gr gula merah
1 cm jahe
1/2 sdt garam

* Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan sampai harum. Masukkan telur puyuh rebus, aduk rata.
* Masak sampai bumbu meresap ke dalam telur.
* Ambil tusuk sate, tusukkan 5 bh telur puyuh berbumbu. Lakukan hingga telur habis.

Untuk 6 tusuk

* resep sate telur puyuh
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