Monday, December 21, 2009

Resep Valentine - My Sweet Heart Brownies


100 g wheat flour

20 g cocoa powder

1 / 4 teaspoon baking soda

100 g brown sugar

50 g sugar

2 chicken eggs

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

125 g sour cream (sour cream) low fat

60 g dark cooking chocolate, melt

60 g dark cooking chocolate, chopped

How to make:

* Prepare a heart shape pan 18 cm or 20 m. Polish butter and sprinkle a little flour.

* Sift the flour, cocoa and baking soda together.

* Beat sugar, eggs, sour cream and vegetable oil until blended.

* Add the melted chocolate, beat the average.

* Add the flour mixture, stirring until blended.

* Pour into pan, smooth.

* Sprinkle with chopped chocolate. Ovenpanas Bake in 180C for 35 minutes.

* Remove, let cool.

by : Odilia Winneke - detikfood


100 g tepung terigu

20 g cokelat bubuk

1/4 sdt soda kue

100 g gula palem

50 g gula pasir

2 butir telur ayam

2 sdm minyak sayur

125 g sour cream (krim asam) low fat

60 g dark cooking chocolate, lelehkan

60 g dark cooking chocolate, cincang

Cara membuat:

* Siapkan loyang bentuk hati 18 cm atau 20 m. Semir mentega dan taburi sedikit tepung terigu.

* Ayak tepung terigu, cokelat dan soda kue jadi satu.

* Kocok gula, telur, krim asam dan minyak sayur hingga rata.

* Tambahkan cokelat leleh, kocok rata.

* Masukkan campuran terigu, aduk hingga rata.

* Tuang ke dalam loyang, ratakan.

* Taburi cokelat cincang. Panggang dalam ovenpanas 180C selama 35 menit.

* Angkat, dinginkan.

Untuk 12 potong
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