Monday, December 21, 2009

Resep Soup Jagung Keju

This recipe for some people may be familiar, at the mall or supermarket food booths are sometimes available. Here's the recipe:

Cheese Corn Soup

* 1 / 4 Kg Sweet Corn
* 5 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
* 1 teaspoon butter
* Grate Cheddar cheese to taste

How to Make:

* Boil half-baked corn
* After the corn was appointed to cool briefly, then clean pipil corn. Then steamed until cooked
* Prepare a plastic container, spread with butter.
* Once cooked corn input into plastic containers that have been greased.
* Enter the sweetened condensed milk
* Sprinkle with Cheddar Cheese Grate
* If you want to watery add half a glass of boiled water.
* Serve, for 2 servings.

Resep ini bagi sebagian orang mungkin sudah tak asing lagi, di mal atau supermarket stand makanan ini terkadang tersedia. Berikut resepnya :

Sup Jagung Keju
Bahan :

* 1/4 Kg Jagung Manis
* 5 Sdm Susu Kental Manis
* 1 Sdt Mentega
* Keju Cheddar Parut Secukupnya

Cara Membuat :

* Rebus jagung setengah matang
* Setelah diangkat dinginkan jagung sejenak, lalu pipil jagung hingga bersih. Kemudian kukus hingga matang
* Siapkan wadah plastik, olesi dengan mentega.
* Setelah jagung matang masukan ke wadah plastik yang sudah diolesi mentega.
* Masukan susu kental manis
* Taburi dengan Keju Cheddar Parut
* Jika ingin berair tambahkan air matang setengah gelas.
* Sajikan, untuk 2 porsi.
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