Monday, December 21, 2009

Kue Keju

Cheese cake

* 175 gr grated cheese
* 200 gr Butter
* Wheat flour 150 gr
* 2 btr yolk

How to Make:

* Butter and beaten egg yolks for 5 minutes.
* Add the flour and grated cheese and stir with wooden spoon.
* Giling dough ± 0.5 cm thick, then cut - cut to the size of 2 x 4 cm.
* Place on baking sheet that spread with butter and bake until dry.

Bahan :

* 175 gr Keju parut
* 200 gr Mentega
* 150 gr Tepung terigu
* 2 btr Kuning telur

Cara Membuat :

* Mentega dan kuning telur dikocok selama 5 menit.
* Tambahkan tepung terigu dan keju parut, aduk rata dengan sendok kayu.
* Giling adonan setebal ± 0,5 cm, lalu potong - potong dengan ukuran 2 x 4 cm.
* Letakkan diatas loyang yang telah diolesi mentega, panggang hingga kering.
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