Monday, December 21, 2009

Pizza mini


350 grams of flour

200 ml Water

1 packet of instant yeast

1 / 4 teaspoon salt

Material contents

- Tomato Sauce

- Toping to taste (can be a pan-fried ground beef with onions, garlic, tomatoes, tomato sauce, or bacon, minced chicken, sausage, etc.)

- Mozzarella cheese

How to make:

mix all skin bahn, knead until the immune

Allow 15 minutes as he closed his napkin discussed

Kempeskan, for 8 or to taste, rounded and pipihkan a circle, the edges slightly elevated

Oles tomato sauce,

Sprinkle topping

Sprinkle cheese mozarela the dioles thin.

Bakr until cooked.

Bahan kulit :

350 gram terigu cap Cakra

200 ml Air

1 bungkus ragi instan

1/4 sendok garam

Bahan isi

- Saus Tomat

- Toping sesuai selera (bisa daging giling yang ditumis dengan bawang bombay, bawang putih, tomat, saus tomat, atau daging asap, daging ayam giling, sosis dsb)

- Keju Mozarella

Cara membuat :

campur semua bahn kulit, uleni sampai kalis

Biarkan 15 menit sambil ditutup serbet bahas

Kempeskan, bagi 8 atau sesuai selera, bulatkan dan pipihkan membentuk lingkaran, tepinya agak ditinggikan

Oles saus tomat,

Taburi topping

Taburi keju mozarela yang dioles tipis.

Bakar sampai matang.

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