Monday, December 21, 2009

Seafood Soup Recipes-Resep Sop Seafood


* Shrimp tails cut back 6.
* Squid medium 1 set, cut into 1cm.
* Fish snapper dagingya take 6 slices thinly sliced
* Mushroom buttons 1 / 2 slices for 2 cans.
* 3 pcs of young corn cut 1/2cm.
* Col 3 large slices LBR.
* Leaf sliced onions 1 / 2 cm.
* Ginger thinly sliced 1 vertebra.
* Salt to taste.

How to cook:

* Bring the water 11 / 2 lt with ginger, put shrimp, squid, sliced fish, and all vegetables.
* Add salt and pepper
* Close the 3-4menit, sprinkle with scallions.
* Serve while warm with chili soy sauce.


* Udang belah punggungnya 6 ekor.
* Cumi ukuran sedang 1 bh, potong 1cm.
* Ikan kakap ambil dagingya iris tipis 6 potong
* Jamur kancing 1/2 kaleng iris bagi 2.
* Jagung muda 3 bh potong 1/2cm.
* Kol 3 lbr iris besar.
* Daun bawang iris 1/2 cm.
* Jahe 1 ruas iris tipis.
* garam secukupnya.

Cara memasak:

* Didihkan air 11/2 lt dengan jahe, masukkan udang, cumi, irisan ikan, dan semua sayuran.
* Tambahkan garam dan merica
* Tutup 3-4menit, taburi daun bawang.
* Sajikan selagi hangat dengan sambal kecap asin.

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