Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chocolate pudding DOUBLE CREAM

Material pudding:
2 packs of white gelatin
250 grams of chocolate blocks, drawstring, team up to melting
250 grams sugar
Whole milk 1 lt
500 cc double cream (can also use flower stamp Creamer)
25 grams of cocoa powder, dilute with a little hot water
Vanilla taste

Material sauce:
800 cc of pure milk
100 grams sugar
Fruit 1 egg yolk
Vanilla taste

How to make pudding:
- Mix all ingredients together (except the double cream)
- Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring all the time, to boiling
- After boiling, pour the double cream with a mixture continued stirring, stirring until smooth, remove from fire.
- Wanted for a while, do not get frozen, until the steam is lost.
-Pour in a pudding mold large, or small, chill.

Bahan puding :
2 bungkus agar-agar putih
250 gram coklat blok, serut, tim sampai leleh
250 gram gula pasir
1 lt susu murni
500 cc double cream (bisa juga pakai Creamer cap kembang)
25 gram coklat bubuk, encerkan dengan sedikit air panas
Vanili secukupnya

Bahan saus:
800 cc susu murni
100 gram gula pasir
1 buah kuning telur
Vanili secukupnya

Cara membuat Puding :

- Campur semua bahan menjadi satu (kecuali double cream)
- Didihkan diatas api sedang sambil diaduk terus, sampai mendidih
- Setelah mendidih, tuangkan double cream sambil adonan diaduk terus, aduk sampai rata, angakat dari api.
- inginkan sebentar, jangan sampai beku, sampai uap hilang.
-Tuangkan dalam cetakan puding besar, atau yang kecil-kecil, dinginkan.
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