Monday, December 21, 2009

Mango juice coctail recipe-Resep Jus Mangga Coctail


* 1 kg Harum Manis Mango
* 1 pack of nata de coco 500 ml
* 1 piece of pineapple, cut into pieces
* 1 yellow melon, a round round
* 1 packet to / jelly cut box
* Sense of mango syrup

How to Make:

* Blender Harum Manis Mango
* Combine nata de coco, pineapple, melon and gelatin
* Add shaved ice / ice cube
* If you add the syrup is less sweet taste of mango

Bahan-bahan :

* 1 kg Mangga Harum Manis
* 1 bungkus nata de coco 500 gram
* 1 buah nanas, potong-potong
* 1 buah melon kuning, bentuk bulat bulat
* 1 bungkus agar/jelly potong-potong kotak
* Sirup rasa mangga

Cara Membuat :

* Blender Mangga Harum Manis
* Campurkan nata de coco, nanas, melon dan agar-agar
* Tambahkan es serut/es batu
* Jika kurang manis tambahkan sirup rasa mangga
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